Thursday, September 3, 2009

Review: [Alter] Asahina Mikuru -Maid version-

Figure Info:
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu
Scale and Height:
1/8 and approximately 20cm tall.

Mi-Mi-Mirakuru Mikuru!
Asahina Mikuru is one of the main characters from the series, she's regarded by Haruhi as moe (which is pretty much true), a somewhat clumsy character (but still cute) who you'll often see crying and pretty much in a cosplaying manner since she changes outfits from time to time. Mikuru is a classified information (Time Traveller) but really is just there in the series mostly for being the cute one and almost doing nothing. (But I still like her though :p) This Alter figure is based on the costume Mikuru wore during the Festival wherein they have a soba stand. Images of Mikuru below:

Very well, without further delay, I shall begin the review.

Well, Alter's not the type to fully give themselves a hardtime designing the box, but hey it works and sometimes, the simpler the box the better. Box is fit enough to carry easily and to contain the fig so... That's that I guess.

Face and Photogenic Appeal:
Well, as long the face is concerned, I like Alter's Mikuru the best out of all the Mikuru figs out there. Not too cheerful and there's always a calm nature when you look at her. Really nice work from Alter.

As for photo appeal, Mikuru is great in this one, try different angles and she'll come out great, this is just one great figure IMO. Really lovely and it's always nice to look at any time. Mikuru will look cute in any of the 3 sides I usually capture.

Body and Detail:
Now for the details, starting from the head to the toe, she's really well-made, the hair is just nice, not unlike some of Koto's hair work. Even the maid headband is done impressively. As far as Mikuru having large oppais is concerned, Alter doesn't fail on that, it's really really noticable at one glance, her outfit is just too impressively done, the ribbons, everything even the cups of water she's serving are quite detailed, you'll see some ice block like material inside those cups which shows that it contains water. I just love every bit of detail from this figure, I mean, the stockings, the skirt, everything! That's Alter for you. ^_^

Paint job:
One major part of most of Alter's figures are the paint work on their figures, and this Mikuru certainly has the charms added because of the magnificent paint job from Alter, the colors picked are perfect not to mention getting the correct color of Mikuru's hair since other figs tend to make her hair orange which isn't so in the anime.

Well, if there's anything that concerns my criteria is that Alter tends to keep their bases simple, look at this, it's plain black but good thing it's black I prefer simple bases to be black and not space greedy and this one is pretty nice for making things simple IMO. Well, but the lack of a more creative base will somehow get a demerit, oh well, you know me. Package doesn't count but bases certainly do.

Mikuru was my favorite moe fig before Miku came storming my collection. Alter had certainly made a remarkable work here, definitely, this Mikuru is one of the best moe figs I have in my collection and the price is pretty affordable too since Alter still hasn't sky-rocketed in the prices when this was released. ^^

Face and Photogenic Appeal - 10/10
Body and Details - 10/10
Paint - 10/10
Base - 8/10
Price - 9/10
Average: 9.4/10

And then... some final words...

"classified information"

Alter is the best for me in terms of paint and good sculpt but of course, I have my biases for choosing GSC as the best and it's pretty easy to find the reason why, lol. Well now, is Mikuru that worth? A big YES, actually, turning down on Alter's figures are big losses if you ask me, their figures are just too great even years back. And this Mikuru is IMO the best they produced in their Haruhi line. So, go go, get it! :p

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