Friday, May 28, 2010

Blog Update: New Author, fifthStitch

So, I've finally decided to expand the blog a bit :p

So, what's new? See the title, and find out more by reading the rest.

I've decided to try out how this team blogging works and after seeing my friend, fifthStitch's post of his 1st comic strip and not knowing where to put it yet, I invited him to put it here and he agreed.

So, what can you expect? Well, most often, you'll be seeing him post his comic strips here (figure related still, of course) but he's not limited to just that, I told him he could post any figure/anime/kamen rider related posts here if he would like to. Oh btw, he's already migrated two of his comic strips here already, see the previous posts. ^^
Of Pertaining to Comedy: Episode 1
Of Pertaining to Comedy: Episode 2

FifithStitch's author name here is Ryan Dimaunahan, so there, and he's a writer so, expect nice things from him. You can also access his blog sites on "Interesting Blogs and the Like" section but I'll post the links here anyway:
- Psychosis of a Writer
- I am fifthStitch

1 comment:

  1. Yo, thanks for the invite! Haha, like I said in Episode 1, expect at least a comic per week. Unless I'm lazy. Which I often am. Cue shorter sentences. Hay.
