Thursday, October 7, 2010

Max Factory's Upcoming Figma KOS-MOS version 4

Oh hell, it's the one I let go @_@

And from WF's showcase, her reservations finally opened today.

My guess would be she'll one of the best sellers, I mean who wouldn't love KOS-MOS, she's also packed with a lot of accessories. Two Gatling Guns which I forgot what it's called, and they both have supports too like BRS's Rock Cannon. She also comes with a hand gun and her blade, the Dragon Tooth.

Well last but not least, similar to figma Kanu, KOS-MOS will have a swappable breast part to the more revealing one which is part of her finisher attack, the X-Buster.

KOS-MOS is due for a February 2011 release for 4800 yen. Really a good catch for figma/articulated collectors and Xenosaga fans. More pics from GSC's page.