Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas Romance

A little Christmas photo for my readers~

So basically, this photo was inspired from "Under The Mistletoe" theme, which was the theme for Otakai's 2nd Photoshoot contest. This is, shall I say, my "entry" for that contest. Well, I didn't make it in time but I still wanted to shoot this no matter what happens. I really loved the theme but I just couldn't join properly with the rules and Sho-chan wasn't around yet when it ended.

Well, anyway, it's pretty much a plain photo with random materials used but still I dunno, I quite liked it's outcome despite such. For viewers with tsuki-board account, feel free to comment and rate this photo, if not, well, just feel free to comment here if you'd like to. ^^

Anyways, here are the photo's breakdown:
Subjects: Nendoroid Hatsune Miku, Chibi-Arts Hidari Shotaro
Materials/Tools used: Christmas Tree, Cottons, Decoration Stones, Desk Lamps
Extra: Nendoroid Takane Manaka's Kiss Face
Camera: Nikon COOLPIX S210
Notes: This photo is a raw photo, no post processing has been made.


  1. Oh nice! But why does it seem like Shotaro doesn't really want to be kissed? Haha

  2. That's the idea, because Shotaro's really shy :p
