Sunday, February 7, 2010
Wonder Festival 2010 Winter Showcase
Today is another day where figure collectors like me gets surprised and prepare our wallets burn yet again as today is Wonder Festival Winter 2010! And as usual, we get a show case of new and upcoming products from the different figure manufacturers at Japan, but I will only focus on GSC, Max Factory and Alter but will also mention other companies along the way, photos mostly from HobbyStock Blog.
Okay, unlike the past Wonder Fest blog I did, I'd take this time by series. So first we drive into Fate series where we recently got an announcement of a figma Rider and also, this time WF showcases Mordred (Red Saber/Saber Extra) with her weapon. But to the surprising extent, we now get to see a fully colored Saber Alter figma, last hinted 2 years ago when Saber Lily's figma was released. And finally, to many people I know, we get to see a a prototype of Archer's figma, yes! Archer! Rejoice Archer fans! Below are previews of Saber Alter and Archer:

If that's not enough, we now go to the Nendoroid line as GSC presents us a colored Nendoroid of Saber, yes, the real Saber this time and not some weird facial expression. XD

Moving onto the next. Recently, we get a sneak preview from Alter via text that they'll be continuing their Nanoha line and leaves us with an announcement of StrikerS Vivio in her Kaiser mode and of course, if there's a Nanoha, there's also got to be a the Movie 1st version of Fate, and here we see them.

If that's not enough, GSC also shows prototypes of a Nendoroid Puchi for the Nanoha Movie which includes Nanoha, Fate, Yuno, Chrono and Arf.

Since the Haruhi film is around the corner, guess what's GSC and Max have done?
Of course, the answer is additional figmas and nendos. Figma showcases had the loli version of Haruhi from when Kyon got back in time, a future Mikuru and a Haruhi version straight from the film, where it takes place in an alternate world.

To continue with the Haruhi movie, GSC gives us a peek at new nendoroids from it in the forms of Haruhi and Yuki.

Related to Kyo-Ani, we now go to K-On! and boy manufacturers sure are milking it pretty much, we now get a new Mio and the colored Azusa from Alter.
If that's not enough, Max Factory shows their own as 1/7 scales of Mio and Yui are shown along with the remaining unannounced figmas. Really now, I dunno if K-On! fans would be happy or not with all the insane rate of releasing K-On! collectibles.
Ridiculously as it may sound, but with some twist of fate, Max Factory got the license to do figmas for a particular Kamen Rider series, which is Dragon Knight, the ever so known western adaptation of the 3rd heisei series, Kamen Rider Ryuki, and though, the license is for Dragon Knight, the suits really have no whatever difference from Ryuki, so you can count them as Ryuki products, starting with figmas of Dragon Knight (Ryuki) and Wing Knight (Knight)
Also a worthy note would be the milking of Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari from different companies, the images below would be GSC's 1/8 scale fig and of course a teaser of the figma.
Senjougahara figures from Kotobukiya and Movic are also revealed in this event.
And finally for my series sums, we go to Black Rock Shooter's universe. I've been wishing for a Dead Master figure ever since BRS's first fig was announced and look what Max and GSC do? Bombard me with 4 new DM figs, really nice huh? Anyway, we get to see a colored nendo of BRS as well as a peek of DM's Nendo, figma also showcases colored products for the two characters.

If those weren't enough BRS milking, we now see the completed BRS anime version as well as two, YES TWO, Dead Master figures: one is to pair up with the anime version and the other to pair up with the first BRS release, hoo boy, I really like DM and I'll be shrining her since her reign is beginning. :p
Finally done with the series sums and now for the figure lines remaining for the 3 companies stated above.
Alter is now starting their Altair line, a figure line for large scaled male figures similar to MegaHouse's G.E.M. line. I dunno who the other one is but we also get a preview of Tales of Vesperia characters for this line. ^^ Good news to Tales fans and those who like male figs.
So for the last bunch of figmas, a little surpising but definitely nice. A figma of KOS-MOS in her version 4 appearance and dun dun dunnnn, Michael Jackson! YES, MJ! IN HIS THRILLER LOOK TOO!
For the Nendos, I really don't know most of them since I only know Feena and the other one which would be a character from Strike Witches. Also, it is revealed that the 100th Nendoroid is classic company character Mickey Mouse! XD Also, previews for Touho's Nendo Puchi set.
Finally going to large figures. Here are Alter's remaining line ups, notable for me would be Koromo from Saki and Clalaclan's completed painted protype:

Finally remaining figures from GSC which I really have no idea of who they are (I really should start watching more anime) XD

Well, I'm done here. You can look at more reports from kumo's blog, 2chan, Hobby Stock Blog, Figure/GK, Amiblog and many more... ^^
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